Chattanooga DSA is a local chapter affiliated with the national DSA organization. Dues are paid to national DSA and will eventually help fund our local chapter. However, you can offer to donate directly to our chapter as a single one-time donation or a recurring gift.
We are organizing for a socialist future and that work takes us all over Chattanooga. It's work done all by volunteers who are driven to put in the hours to accomplish even the smallest changes. Knocking door-to-door, marching in protests, and speaking up in city council with well-prepared notes. It is a work of passion, but it is work. To make sure that our efforts are effective and sustained, we need to be ready which means we need resources to carry us on to the next event, campaign, or parade.
Your contributions help with:
- materials for making signs and t-shirts
- sending members to organizing and activist trainings across the state
- reading and educational materials
- canvassing clipboards and hand-out literature
- snacks and hydration for doing activist footwork
- app accounts for emails and communications